Post office boxes are located in the Moody Center and are available to all registered and pre-registered students. All students living in a residence hall are required to have a campus mailbox.
Where should mail be sent?
Letter mail is addressed in this format:
Student’s Name
HSU Box _ _ _ _ _
Abilene, TX 79698
Packages are addressed in this format:
Student’s Name
2200 Hickory St, # _ _ _ _ _
Abilene, TX 79698
How do I get a P.O. box?
Mailboxes are usually assigned right before the Fall semester in August. The post office manager will then notify each student through HSU email with his/her box assignment and combination for access.
What if I didn’t get a notification or box assignment?
Look for a message from Callie Hayden with the subject HSU MAILBOX ASSIGNMENT. Check your Junk email folder. If you haven’t received an assignment, contact Mrs. Hayden at
What is campus mail?
Campus mail is mail sent from any enrolled HSU student, alumni, faculty, or staff member addressed to an HSU student, faculty/staff member, organization, or department that holds a campus mailbox.
- Mail must be at least 3 ½ x 5 inches in size and should be placed in the “Campus Mail” slot at the post office.
- Non-perishable items only
- No postage is necessary
- Absolutely no business advertisement allowed.
- Do not send cash through the mail! Mailroom employees will not be held responsible for cash sent through federal or campus mail.
When is mail put up?
Mail is posted daily, generally before 11 a.m.
What are the HSU Post Office Regulations?
FYI: Information from the Student Handbook, pg. 34
You are welcome to have a campus mailbox as long as you are enrolled at HSU. However, if you need to close your box for any reason, you must submit a change of address to the HSU Post Office to get your mail forwarded.
The HSU Post Office receives all mail and packages from all couriers. Nothing is delivered to the residence halls. For this reason, all mail should be addressed to include your HSU box number. Should you receive a package, a notice will be placed in your box.
Mail from a student’s box cannot be released to someone else unless the occupant has signed a statement requesting such release.
Students cannot share mailboxes, with the exception of married couples and members of the same family.
If you need to change your mailbox placement for any reason, please see the post office manager.
IMPORTANT: Do not send cash through USPS or campus mail. Our employees will not be held responsible for lost cash in the mail.